The Brakes Calculation determines the forces, hydraulic pressures and wheel braking forces for your brake setup. It works with single or dual master cylinders. It works with or without a vacuum brake booster.
Enter or calculate your brake pedal ratio, brake pedal pressure, brake booster vacuum, brake booster diameter, front master cylinder diameter, rear master cylinder diameter, front master cylinder proportion, rear master cylinder proportion, front brake caliper piston area, rear brake caliper piston area, brake pad friction coefficient, front brake rotor radius, rear brake rotor radius, front tire diameter, and rear tire diameter.
Calculate your brake pushrod pressure, brake booster vacuum, brake booster pressure, front brake master cylinder pressure, rear brake master cylinder pressure, front brake master cylinder area, rear brake master cylinder area, front brake master cylinder proportion, rear brake master cylinder proportion, front brake line pressure, rear brake line pressure, front brake caliper piston area, rear brake caliper piston area, front brake caliper clamping pressure, rear brake caliper clamping pressure, front brake caliper drag, rear brake caliper drag, front brake rotor torque, rear brake rotor torque, front braking force, and rear braking force at tire tread./
Braking time and distance calculation
Braking weight transfer calculation