Speed-Wiz Features
Speed-Wiz has many convenient productivity features.
- Hundreds of calculations
- Lots of full-featured, customizable graphs
- Data stored in unlimited data files that can be organized by car, setup, track, etc.
- Conversions allow you to instantly convert many values between various units of measure
- Optimizations offer you suggestions on how you might reach your performance improvement goals
- Easy access to all of your favorite calculations and graphs
- Very friendly and useful online help is just a click or a keystroke away
- Easy and non-invasive Setup program
Speed-Wiz calculation windows share a rich and useful set of productivity features.
- Data interaction — input and calculated data shared by all calculations and simulations
- Real-time calculation — just enter your data and check out the results!
- All calculations can be saved and/or printed in report format
- All calculation windows can be printed exactly as they appear on screen
- Metric or English data entry by overall or individual item
- Calculated output shown in both Metric and English units
- Tool tips tell you what items do when you point at them
- Shortcut calculation links to quickly access calculations for data inputs
- Range tips for all inputs in all calculation windows
- Easy fractional value entry
- Send input or output values directly to the conversions tool
- Easy to revert to original data or set default data for all inputs
Interactive calculations
Calculation links
Range tips
Tool windows